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SubjectRe: tulip driver problem in -pre2
I used to have similar problems. You've probably got a rev D board from
Netgear. If the big chip says "Netgear" you need a different driver.
It just so happens that I have a rev D board, and am in possession of
just the driver you're looking for. Big thanks go to David Lerner who
sent this to me. It comes from the Netgear 4.01 driver package, but that
comes as a dos/windows .exe, which isn't convienient for many of us.

There's a makefile included, just type 'make tulip.o' to build the
driver. You might want to test it with

'/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop; rmmod tuilp; insmod ./tulip.o;
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start'

before you replace the driver in the lib/modules/<version>/net dir.


Bruce Perens wrote:
> Donald, Linus,
> In 2.2.0-pre2, using a Netgear FA310TX PCI 10/100 Ethernet card, with Lite-On
> PNIC chip, the Tulip driver complains once, after booting, of the transmitter
> stopping. It repeatedly re-negociates the connection type, and its complained
> of a few framing errors. Dmesg output is appended to this message. It appears
> to work fine when I test it with flood pings, etc. The driver in 2.0.36 doesn't
> complain or renegociate, and works fine. The driver in 2.1.131 did not work at
> all, this is definitely an improvement. This device is plugged directly into a
> SOHOWare 10/100 Ethernet switch.
> Thanks
> Bruce Perens[unhandled content-type:application/x-gzip]
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