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SubjectRe: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
Theodore Y. Ts'o <tytso@MIT.EDU> wrote:
> The solution to the problem that X server crash systems? (1) Don't kill
> -9 them. (2) If you can reliably cause an X server to crash through
> normal operations (and I can't, even when I'm trying), collect debugging
> information and send it to the XFree86 folks, and ask them (nicely,
> instead of with a chip on your shoulder) if they can fix the bug.

For what it's worth, I can sometimes crash or wedge an x server
but not reliably. [wedge: nothing responds to mouse or keyboard
action, and control-alt-backspace doesn't work.]

It's hard to collect debugging data when, forinstance, strace fills up
your file system partition, and slows performance more than a little.

[If there's some other way to collect detailed information for a bug
report on a hard to reproduce race condition, it's not referenced in any
of the numerous places I've seen in the distribution in the places where
it talks about how to file bug reports.]


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