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SubjectRe: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Marek Habersack wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> > > applies to WinModems and perhaps other hardware. I doubt anyone except
> > > Micro$oft will implement their GUI API on their architectures.
> > >
> >
> > Money is power. Whether or not "Windows(r)" is a defective Operating
> > System makes no difference at all. Mr Gates. has defined the new era
> > of "computers" to be extensions of his (defective) operating systems(s)
> > and that-is-that. Mr. Gates has a larger legal department than
> > General Motors (last years INC rag).

> I don't buy it! What sense software like Linux will make then?! None at all!
> Do you agree to that? Do you think PEOPLE are such a small power that they
> cannot defeat a monster like Micro$loth? There are really millions of people
> using unices (and other non-M$ OSes) out there that do not and will not use
> Windows just because Billy G. tells them to and his marketing department has
> fooled even the biggest sharks of the market. Perhaps Windows will rule, but
> only on the Intel platoform and I suppose that professionals and people that
> CARE about computers, that want use and create good software will migrate to
> some other hardware platform (like Alphas, which are really affordable these
> days and they will get even cheaper IMHO). Even Billy G. isn't omnipotent, nor
> is his company.

The problem is that 90 percent of the personal computers purchased last
year were purchased so that the new owner could compete with the Neighbors
and tell them that they, too, now have a computer. Out of those 90
percent, only 10 percent are still using their computer after two months.

Instead, they got disgusted trying to make the thing work. It didn't do
what they expected to do, it was cumbersome to operate and they just
gave up.

Virtially ALL PCs now come from the vendor with Windows pre-installed.
You buy a computer, you get Windows. It's included in the price.

Educated and/or professional users of the PC/AT platform and a small
minority. This is the main problem now. At one time, only skilled
persons has access to computers. Now, practically everybody has one, or
will be buying one or more in their lifetime. This represents a tremendous
market that is now controlled entirely by Mr. Gates.

Sun, SGI, DEC, etc., only produce, together, 8 percent of the computers
sold. If we pretend that all Sun, SGI, DEC, etc., users are competent,
we have only a 8 percent voice in how personal computers are going to
be. Ninety-two percent of the votes come from Mr. Gates.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.1.91 on an i586 machine (66.15 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.

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