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SubjectRe: GGI and cli/sti in X writes:
> Sorry Linus, I see a flaw here.. and I'm sure most other people do too..
> X is not the only graphical program for Linux. Hopefully, it never will
> be.. Right now I can setup a nice Linux boot disk with a nice SVGAlib
> program. I could never put X on a disk or two. X also uses lots of memory.
> Therefor, it would be stupid to force all programers who want graphical
> programming to use X.. It wouldn't be the Linux way (TM).
> What would happen with your userspace modesetting daemon when it meets up
> with the likes of a svgalib game.. or dosemu..

The X daemon is part of the X distribution. Part of the svgalib
distribution has it's own daemon. Or, you write a single daemon and
both X and svgalib make calls to it.

Is there really any problem writing a standard daemon for Linux which
must be used by any process wanting to fiddle with graphics modes?
Sure, it's a change to the interface people are used to, but, hey, so
would KGI be!



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