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SubjectRe: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> > That's right, but you never (well, almost) create video modes dynamically.
> > They are designed beforehand with all the register values set right - no
> > matter whether it uses accel or not. All one needs is a simple step-by-step
> > list in what order to set the regs.
> No. With some cards you do a valid switch to graphics directly, and then
> try and switch mode with the BIOS afterwards you can watch a blank screen
> until you hit the off switch. Been there, done that, got burned.
OK, but that's a BIOS bug and we're talking about a driver that doesn't use
BIOS. I you do a *valid* switch and then BIOS tries to do the same and fails,
then there's something wrong with the BIOS, right? Solution - don't use BIOS
to set video modes at all. I doubt that any video BIOS does analysis of the
current video mode and acts accordingly.
There are of course situations when software fails miserably to set the mode
ok like, for instance, when I run an SVGAlib mode in 800x600x32bpp starting it
from a 116x32 textmode and all I get is an aristically beautiful pattern on
the screen which is buzzing and flicking ;-))

The fool escaped from paradise will look over his shoulder and cry
Sit and chew on daffodils and struggle to answer why?
So when you grow up and leave your playground
Where you kissed your Prince and found your Frog
Remember the Jester that showed you tears, a script for tears
-- Fish "Script for a Jester's tear"

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