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SubjectRe: Network/PPP bug?
On Sat, 4 Apr 1998, Raul Miller wrote:
> 2.1.90 <-ppp over modem-> 2.0.32 <-ethernet-> 2.0.29
> a direct tcp link from the newest kernel to the oldest gives horrible
> interactive performance -- it's as if something is waiting on a timer

yes it is a known bug and david miller is working hard on it. the latest
2.1.xx kernels have very very bad transfer rates between any kernel right
next to it. transfer rates are on the order of 1-15K/s maximum. the
transfer seems to start up fine, but drops immediately to very slow.

it would help david greatly if you ran a tcpdump on both machines you do
the transfers on and gzip them up/mail them to him.


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