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SubjectRe: Merced, PC98, Slot 1/2, and other NDA architectures...under Linux?
> Merced is being "pre-developed" under and NDA+cash, and Linux can live like
> that. PC98 is IIRC, a MS/Intel spearheaded spiel that is another closed
> architecture. Then there's Slot 1/2, and other such stuff.

The I2O PC98 stuff is a SIG which at the moment is behaving like PCI before
release. The members have the power to outvote intel/microsoft and release
its external message API to the public. Lean on your vendors. Mail them when
you buy new cards with things like

"I considered your blah card but it is I2O and I was forced to buy from
another vendor. Why aren't you helping to make the I2Osig vote to open
the API"

> [1]. The business world is corporate america that's already firmly entrenched
> in using the OS/programs from the dark side.

I think bits of it are getting cold feet. This is good news

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