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SubjectRe: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Edward S. Marshall wrote:
> about Berlin, not GGI.
> GGI is just another -target- that X can operate on top of, just like the
> SVGA target, the S3 target, etc.
> KGI is just another -target- that GGI can operate on top of, just like
> X11, SVGAlib, etc.
> So, when talking about the kernel portion of the "GGI Project", you are
> talking about a tiny hardware interface called KGI, and separate modules
> tailored for specific graphics hardware.

But.... A "tiny" hardware interface seems to rather inaccurate. Virtually
all the graphics chips are completely and intollerably different once
they are set to provide something other than the standard 80-132/20-30
text-mode that everybody emulates. Even New S3 Chips are different than
last week's S3 Chips, requiring downloading new X-Servers. The protection
provided by the kernel for access to registers and RAM is completely
artificial, requiring the server to operate as root for access. Otherwise
any user's program could screw up the chip timing and burn out the

Since the X-Server is BIG, it operates entirely in user-mode. The
kernel just lets it have access to the graphics chip registers and
screen RAM. There is no security problem that an alternate interface
would eliminate. Further, an alternate interface adds another layer
of code between the real hardware and the User Interface. User's
of graphics-capable machines won't accept a slower write to the
screen for some alleged improvement in 'security' If you have physical
access to a machine, there IS no security period. Use of the graphics
capability of the machine requires physical access.

Were are talking about PERSONAL computers here, not some secure
server locked away in a room.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.1.91 on an i586 machine (66.15 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.

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