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SubjectRe: The GGI and EvStack debate -- Linus and such persons please reard.

Very good thoughts..

I think that multi console is a wonderful thing and I hope to see it
evolve (it might make Linux the 'standard' in computer labs! think of the

As far as bloat goes: GGI does very little.. Many people get confuesd
because GGI is actually ~3 projects: LibGGI, EvStack, and KGI..

GGI defines a thing called KGI.. This goes into the kernel.. It has video
drivers.. It's very streamlined, and IMHO achieves an exelent balence of
features/bloat. (Basicly it's the mininum you need to do both quick
accelerated video access, and still have the kernel 'keep control').

Libggi is a graphics lib that defines all kinds of wonderful things for
programmers using it (like svgalib).. Libggi does output through a lower
layer right now they support KGI, Svgalib, X, X+shm, AAlib (text mode
simulated graphics HEHEH), and a few others I can't recall.. Libggi
handles using accelration if the layer below supports it..

A program written w/ libggi should seemlessly work with all low level
handlers.. so the app should run seemlessly under both console or x..

Evstack is a redefined console subsystem.. It's got some awesome ideas..
But I dont know alot about it.. You dont need it to integrate KGI.. :)

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998, Trever Adams wrote:

> Please take all I saw with a grain of salt. I am afraid most of my
> theory is not in computer OSes but in small systems. I also haven't
> done much to contribute to the kernel but report bugs and say thank
> you. Currently though, I am trying to pay back the GNU/Linux group by
> writing some software I need and will be placing it under GPL once I can
> work most bugs out.
> Now with the salt, pass some reality: GGI sounds like a great idea. I
> haven't tried it yet. I will be as soon as I finish the above project
> and get a spare machine I can afford to lose data on (note, I rarely run
> anything beta, though I do run 2.1.86 and 2.1.88 because some software
> wouldn't work in 2.0.33). I am not sure anyone argues that GGI is a
> good idea.
> It seems Linus (though I respect him, think he is intelligent, I don't
> believe he is infallible! No one is!) doesn't like the EvStack due to
> the ideas of multiple keyboards. Linus and gang, are terminals (text or
> otherwise) valid input devices for Linux? If so why can't a machine
> have multiple video cards with multiple input devices arbitrarily
> assigned to them. This would allow fast graphics (not just a dumb X
> term) to be displayed for each user of the system. Yes, I agree this
> could be bloat city (so could GGI) but it could also be a fast, small,
> tight system. FDcons (I believe that was the similar thing the Mac
> Linux had) and EvStack are both the extremes it seems. Maybe with a
> little effort and trust and acceptance GGI and the combined
> FDcons/EvStack could be tested and given ideas on.
> Ok, enough chew out of Linus and Gang, GGI org, it is your turn now.
> Most of the people who want to try out GGI seem to also be running
> 2.1.8x or 2.1.9x so provide patches for GGI against those. This should
> be done before 2.0.3x but 3x is nice as well. I am not sure how easily
> this is done. If you can provide me with such a patch (against 2.1.88
> or 2.1.91 when it comes out [if it proves to be stable enough]) give me
> a few weeks to wrap up my current project and I will gladly run Xggi and
> KGI etc. on a system I can throw together. While it only has an old 486
> with an S3 805 card (I think), I could do tests.
> Anyway, I am sure this is off topic. I hope this has offended no one.
> Linux is a great Unix, but given the fact some people have fallen in
> love with its stability (namely me for example) and would rather play
> games on it instead of Win95 it would be nice that the graphics can be
> just as fast, or faster, and just as high quality. This requires at
> least GGI. EvStack sounds intriguing and if it doesn't become bloat and
> Linus grants it a "Let's test this out people" status it would be great
> to play with. Anyway, live long, write code, have fun, and offend only
> the incompetent, not your allies.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Trever Adams
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good."
> ~C.S. Lewis
> -
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