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Dunno if this is the right place to talk about this but since I can't
find or figure out any other better place (besides there should be some
interest here to) to talk/question about this issue I'm writing here
in hope to get an answer.

What is the status for Linux and year 2000 compliant ? I have tried
to hunt down information about this but have failed totally.
Is the Linux kernel ready for Y2k or is there some "dirty" uses of time
still in there. I'm no kernel expert but I think that there should be
a lot of time/date usage in the kernel. Esp when we are dealing with

If things isn't already fixed and setup for the millennium then it's
about time to start working on getting everything ready for the millennium.
If the time() function is correctly working under Linux there shouldn't
be any problem until 2038. time() returns the time since 00:00:00 GMT,
January 1, 1970, measured in seconds and stores this in a 32 bit long
int. So if everything is done right with the filesystems and other stuff
where there might be use of dates or time values then everything should be cool.

But if there is some other strange usage of times and dates not using
time() then there might be problem.

I also think there should be a doc/faq or something written about this
matter to show the big dragons in the computer community that Linux
isn't is a small toy OS for hackers. But rather that it's a competitor
to then and that we really care! Most of every software/OS developer with
selfrespect have written some kind of report/publication in this matter.
So should the Linux community. Why not start with the kernel getting
everything checked so there will not be any problem when year 2000
comes with the kernel. And when this is done be sure to put up some kind
of doc/faq about this concern that the kernel is Y2k compliant and
how to write software so that the software that runs under Linux is
Y2k compliant.

I hope You get my point and that I'm not totally off topic in this list.
If I'm please help me out where I should go for information.

Thank You for Your time!

Regards Eje Gustafsson
(This is my opinion and not necessary the opinion of my employer)

Eje Gustafsson
Ranhammarsv 12-14 Telefax: +46-8-253481
Box 11021 SE-16111 Bromma Sweden Mobile: +46-70-7552331

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