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SubjectRe: Patch needed for mdutils
>So instead of using the standard glibc mantra of "mixing glibc and
>kernel include files is a bad idea, and programs who need to do this
>aren't our problem," let me suggest a better way (tm).
>Let us fix the kernel header files with the appropriate #ifdef __KERNEL__
>statements so it is safe to mix glibc and kernel include files. This

We've discussed this several times already. Yes, this would be the ideal
situation, and Michael Chastain (among others) has volunteered to do the work.
Nothing has come of it yet, though, and so the "don't mix your headers" advice
is the best current practice.

>need the glibc folks to define some symbol (perhaps it exists already; I
>haven't done the research yet) which is always defined in glibc header
>files, whenever something fairly standard, like sys/types.h is

__GLIBC__ is defined by <features.h>, and implicitly by most other files.


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