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SubjectLM79 kernel support(was Heat detector)
David Odin wrote:
> I apologize if this is not the right place to ask or if someone has
> already answer my question. I have a new motherboard TX97E, a K6-233 and
> Linux-2.0.33 and , in the bios setup of the board, I can see the
> temperature of the processor/motherboard. I was just wandering if there is
> a simple way (some thing like a /proc entry) to get this information
> without rebooting my box. If this doesn't already exist, I'll do it
> myself, and I will make a patch for it. but If someone has already the
> stuff, I won't have to re-invent the wheel.


On most new motherboards are diagnostics chips that provide for a lot
more than just temperature. Namely these chips are the National
Semiconductor LM78, and LM79. The Beowulf project has a driver that I
haven't evaluated yet for the LM chips. I too would like to see kernel
support for all the features of the LM chips - both temperature, and fan
monitoring, with adjustable alarm points, and a proc interface. Here is
the Beowulf stuff, and National Semiconductor's application notes:

(I would also like to write a UPS daemon that monitors the LM chip proc
interface, and a UPS/battery for a single combined shutdown daemon for
laptops or desktops)


Steve Logue
Systems Integration nettek LLC

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