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SubjectRe: WTF is this in fs/super.c
On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Shaw Carruthers wrote:

> This witty message just made my day( kernel 2.1.131 + ac4):
> /* Forget any remaining inodes */
> if (invalidate_inodes(sb)) {
> printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
Hey! Somebody found the missing 'n'. I guess it's time
to return it to Bell Labs (or take it to the OpenGroup).

> "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice
> day...\n");
> }
> What's up Doc?

It means that there were still busy inodes left in a filesystem
after the filesystem was umounted. This is something that should
never happen. Instead the filesystem should refuse to umount if
there are still files/inodes in use on it.

This could either be a bug in the filesystem (what filesystem
were you trying to umount?), some strange locking problem
(Alan, what changed?) or random memory corruption...

If you answer the above questions I'm pretty sure it'll
ring a bell with somebody (who in turn will fix it).


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