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SubjectRe: Dumb question: Which is "better" SCSI or IDE disks?

In message <>, Alan Cox writes:

> > Open server 5.0.4p, DPT RAID-1, 32 MB cache, PCI, 4.2 GB (A cable)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I'd look elsewhere for your problem. Also DPT RAID controllers arent that
> fast.

Yep... not only that, how did he know when the copy had finished?
Just because the command had returned doesn't mean the data was on
the drive yet. For all he knows, the SCSI drive may have actually
won the race (such as it was).

I just did a 10MB copy on my DPT system and it took 0.65 seconds.
So his system must really suck... :)

Just another meaningless.

Regarding DPT controllers: really, they aren't that great. I like
them, and a lot of people told me before I got it that it was the
best thing since sliced bread. Easy to program, and very fast.
But I've been somewhat disappointed in the speed. Granted I only
have the 2044W, but I think it should be faster than it is.

I am considering a replacement, but only if I can find out for sure
the replacement will be any better.

I need a secondary controller for my scanner anyway... :)

Shannon - - - Will Hack 4 F00D
"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers turn to look at the
stars" -- Rush

Shannon - - - Will Hack 4 F00D
"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers turn to look at the
stars" -- Rush

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