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SubjectRe: 3com USR courier internal v.34 ISDN modem
Hi Leslie.

> I'm looking for a driver, or a person who write driver for the
> $subject, because my friend has this type and Hi wants to get work
> with his favourite OS. I've searched all the net to a contact
> person who can help me about the description of this modem, but
> nothing found.

> I'm not sure i could write this driver 'cause i've never wrote
> drivers before, and i've never used any ISDN modems, so i've no
> idea how i can help him.

Is that by any chance the USR Courier I-Modem you're referring to? If
so, no driver is required - it just appears as a standard serial port,
and you treat it as such.

I configured one of those beasts for a school last summer, and it's
the easiest task I've ever had. Went as follows:

1. Set jumpers on ISDN card for COM3, IRQ9.

2. Plug ISDN card into expansion slot on motherboard.

3. Insert the following command at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local

setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 9

4. Configure PPP to use it. THIS was the hardest part...

Best wishes from Riley.

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