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SubjectRe: pppd and 2.1.131 and proxyarp
> Could someone tell me if the problem with proxyarp in 2.1.131 and ppp
> 2.3.5 has been solved yet? I was watching the discussions which were
> taking place but never saw a resolution. Anyway, for better or worse
> I put 2.1.131 on a production machine and bingo my users ppp has gone
> south. Can you spell "upset?" Sure you can.

As long as you keep your hands off your kernel it's okay :) I'm running pppd 2.3.5 on my machine with a 2.1.132-ac2 linux kernel (with ppp 2.3.3 support) and
it works just fine :)

Stefan Laudat
System Engineer - Dragon Art

"Power comes from the barrel of the gun"

-- Mao Tze Dong

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