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SubjectRe: New Hardware Hack for HP 2501 A
>> What *is* necessary is code in X to support the keys, because
>> currently, Xfree86 only looks for translated scancodes up to 0x6f
>> (111). The ASSUME_CUSTOM_KEYCODES stuff that Guido (???) added is nice
>Thanks, it's Geert :-)

Sorry Geert. No disrespect intended.

>> (and scans the entire 127 keycodes that the kernel uses), but it
>> doesn't work for prefixed scancodes.
>Unless you use MEDIUMRAW instead of RAW mode... That's what I do... IMHO we
>should get rid of the prefixed stuff in userspace. Originally the
>ASSUME_CUSTOM_KEYCODES was used on machines that don't have prefixed scancodes

Damn. Why didn't *I* think of this ? *smile*

Yeah, I gathered that ASSUME_CUSTOM_KEYCODES relied on the lack of
prefixed scancodes, but I had forgotten that MEDIUMRAW would get rid
of them too. A much better idea, and it does away with the need to
patch the X server (other than the compile time flag for MEDIUMRAW).

Any idea on why this hasn't been accepted as the default way to run
the X server ? It seems like it saves processing time, is simpler, and
works for any keyboard with <= 127 keys (unlike the current default model).

Too bad the Trackman still needs a hack to get the 4th button to work
as intended.


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