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SubjectRe: large message queue patches

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 peeter_joot@VNET.IBM.COM wrote:
> I noticed that you have picked up part of the message queue modifications
> in pre-2.1.132 from Alan's patch set.

Could you please re-send with your mime setup fixed? I saw the
attatchment, but my mailer refused to touch it. I don't know what's
wrong, but I know MIME attachements normally work fine for me, so it's
most probably some setup problem in your end.

I'm basically lazy: when somebody sends me a patch that I have any trouble
whatsoever decoding, I just don't - I ignore it (or at most send a reply
to ask the sender to make it work again).

If you have some mailer in the way that eats parts of the MIME setup
cruft, please just send in plaintext - and if there is something that eats
whitespace then please just uuencode. Mime is only acceptable to me if it
actually works without me having to do silly things to see what it does.


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