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SubjectRe: forceful unmount
> Not that I would be surprised if "umount -f" did not work,
> but on the other hand, you could be helpful and tell the
> mount maintainer about your problems instead of just muttering
> on some random list.

Of course you are correct about myself not using the proper protocol.
Sorry about that, i was not aware that this stuff was thought of as
being ready to use. So i simply waited for further information to come

> If you get "umount: forced umount not supported yet", then
> you are using an old umount.
> If you get "umount: compiled without support for -f", then
> umount was compiled without support for -f. If there was
> a new kernel then you might describe precisely what include files
> and kernel and libc you are using (at compile time and at invocation time).
> If you get something else, then please describe what you get in detail.

Right now i am using a Debian GNU/Linux system (slink aka frozen release):

client:/# uname -a
Linux baobab 2.1.131 #1 SMP Sat Dec 5 15:14:22 CET 1998 i686 unknown

client:/# mount -V
mount: mount-2.8a

Test case:

client:/# mount server:/export/volume1 /mnt
client:/# umount -f /mnt
umount: forced umount not supported yet

So it appears as if during the build i might have accidentally used
the 2.0 system headers which Debian provides as part of their libc6-dev

I will rebuild the software from the latest sources and try again.

Dominik Kubla
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official position of my employer on the issue(s) discussed. Any official
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