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SubjectRe: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
On Sat, 19 Dec 1998, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

> Naming aside, my point is that open source software is always, well,
> open -- open to be picked up and carried by new interested parties.
> Even more, the GPL subset of the open source pool can't spawn private
> forks; this is even stronger insurance.
> So I don't worry about corporate interference. Not yet, anyway.

Yes, I think that according to the GPL, any change that IBM makes in
existing code would have to be also GPL. Now if they write their own
separate piece, say a module, I think they can use any license they want.
OSS does not distribute the source for their commercial sound stuff, do

QUESTION: Say IBM wrote their own mmap.c replacement with no GPL code in
it. Can they distribute a binary kernel image made with that mmap.c
without distributing the source to that small program? I mean, can that
particular mmap.c have a non-gpl license? In other words, they distribute
only the source for the GPL parts of the code?

George Bonser

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