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SubjectRe: swap cache

On Sat, 19 Dec 1998 17:17:15 -0500 (GMT), Prasun Kapoor
<> said:

>> They _are_ loaded RO in the first instance. "Loaded" from disk, not
>> "generated" when the original data is created. I'm talking about
>> physical pages in memory. When we read in ("load") a page from swap,
>> then we mark that newly-swapped-in page readonly. There are several
>> reasons for this:

> I have a doubt here. It is the PTE that makes a process's access to a page
> RO. If the PTE is marked RO ( even though there is no physical page
> corresponding to it), when a process tries to read it, its a normal fault
> to bring the page into memroy and also swap cache. And when it writes to
> it, it faults again. The fault routine sees that the mapping is
> MAP_PRIVATE with write access and the fault is a WRITE fault and hence
> creates a new page.

A pte for a page which is not present (ie. which is on swap) is not
RO; the CPU context bits in the pte are not used if the page-present
bit is clear. A pte for a swapped-out page is not readonly: it can't
be, because the RO bit is not defined in that case.

> In this context what exactly is meant by loading a page in RO mode, when
> the PTE for it is already marked RO?

What I mean is that when you take a page fault to such a swapped page,
the page is loaded into memory but its pte is marked RO.

There is a short-cut here: if the page fault was for write access, and
the swap page is unshared (no other processes refer to the same swap
location), then we bypass this mechanism and give the process
immediate RW access to the page.

In all other cases, the process gets RO access, even if the page fault
was a write fault: a write access to a shared page not yet in physical
memorythus brings two independent copies of the page into ram; one for
the swap cache (where other processes can find it, thus taking
advantage of the expensive disk IO we've just done), and the other for
the faulting process's private copy of the data.

> Ummmm I dont think I'd agree. UNIXWARE, and a few other folks do just that
> with a linked list in the page structure. Anyhow its difficult to comment
> without looking at linux implementation about merits and demerits of
> maintaining all accessors to a page. Its sounds like quite a deviation
> from the popular SVR4 design!

It is, very much so. That traditional page table design is a very
low-level feature of the VM, integrated early on in the design and
hard to change once implemented, so it's not surprising that most
Unixes do this pretty much the same way. And yes, adding extra data
structures for location of related ptes is possible, but it does make
the entire memory-mapping mechanism a bit more heavyweight. It's
something on our list to look at in 2.3, but for other reasons: it is
not clear whether it would make any difference to raw swapping

>> Linux VM, but we don't need that functionality: in Linux we have always
>> swapped out ptes on a per-page-table basis, not on a per-physical-page
>> basis. We *DO* swap processes out independently.

> I dont think I understand. The whole idea of doing it globally is to do
> some kind of LRU on a global scale and swap out pages based on that.
> Others unixes also swap processes out independently, but only in extreme
> cases and even then if we can figure out all pte's refering to page, its
> quite okay to invalidate them all and swap the page out.

Linux does achieve global LRU; it just achieves it somewhat
differently. The normal clock algorithm walking over memory works
just as you'd see in a normal Unix, but it only releases page cache ,
swap cache and buffer cache pages. It does not unmap pages from VM
page tables. We have a separate clock algorithm which walks page
tables and ages the pages there, unmapping pages which have not been
accessed recently. Only once the page is completely unmapped by any
process can the page be truly recycled.

This mechanism turns out to be more efficient in its use of memory
cache, as we are not following chains of pte indirection for each page
we traverse, but obviously for shared pages or sparse page tables we
may do a bit more work than we need to.

However, there is a second advantage of this scheme which is
overwhelming. It clearly distinguishes between paging activity and
filesystem activity (even though the same page cache is used for both,
and even though from most other points of view our VM is truly
"unified"). I've done a very great deal of benchmarking on this topic
over the past 3 or 4 years on Linux, and as far as memory reclamation
is concerned, I am now absolutely convinced that a unified page
stealer is quite simply much less efficient than the asymmetric scheme
used by Linux. In every case, any attempt to retune the VM so that we
recycle unmapped pages from the page cache (ie. filesystem cache
pages) via exactly the same rules as mapped pages (ie. VM pages)
results in poorer performance.

Currently the Linux VM is more aggressive at reaping pure cache pages
than VM pages. Quite simply, all the evidence is that this goes much

A final advantage of doing pageout from the page table point of view
is that it makes managing a process's RSS very very easy. We can
easily do LRU pageout of a process's ptes if it exceeds its RSS,
leaving the pages in cache to be minor-faulted back in later if the
memory isn't required by somebody else. We do not currently make much
use of this facility, but it has been an important motivation in
preserving the current scheme.


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