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SubjectRe: NFS client write out corrupted file?

On 17 Dec 1998, Trond Myklebust wrote:
> There are still a few issues remaining in pre-patch-2.1.132-1 though.
> - There remains an ambiguity concerning the status of cancelled writes:
> if they were already in progress, they may still be committed to the
> server's storage, but this will not be registered by the inode
> attribute cache.

If you look closely, I essentially got rid of all write canceling. It's
basically never the right thing to do. It's still done if
- the server tells us that the file has radically changed from under us
(ie catastrophic failure, like the file suddenly having turned into a
directory etc: this should _never_ happen with a proper NFS server, as
we should really have gotten a "Stale file handle" error instead)
- there's code to do it for nfs_delete_inode(), but that function should
never be called with pending writes any more, so that code could just
be deleted.

> - Shouldn't a cancellation also invalidate the page if it was marked
> PG_uptodate?

If it were to happen (see above) it already should. When we cancel the
request, the request will finish incomplete, and the nfs_wback_result()
function should clear the uptodate flag.

> - Another (minor) point is whether nfs_cancel_dirty should really be
> cancelling unfreed write requests that are marked as

Again, it shouldn't really be an issue, but basically it shouldn't matter

> - If you run 'setattr' on a file in order to truncate it, there is no
> synchronization to ensure that async writes which would be cancelled
> are committed before the call to setattr.

Good point. Feel free to send me patches, hint, hint.

> - If you read a page and the call to nfs_wb_page fails, the PG_locked bit
> is never cleared, and many processes end up hanging on wait_on_page.
> (Please note my first patch to cure this contained a bug in that it didn't
> free the page in the case of a successful synchronous read).

Good spotting, I'll fix this.


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