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SubjectRe: A ramble re Menuconfig in 2.1.131ac6

> o Why is CONFIG_MTRR an option when CONFIG_M386 is anything
> but PPro? Does this make sense? If so, the help for
> CONFIG_MTRR should explain this. If not, it shouldn't be an
> option. (Also: Does the Celeron have MTRR? Is the Celeron
> considered a PPro or a Pentium?)

Because you can compile kernel for 386, configure mtrr in and run it
on ppro.

> o Are/were there 386 SMP's?

If you wanna kernel that runs everywhere, it _is_ 386 kernel with SMP

> o Does there exist a possible configuration where you'd want
> to enable CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION for a Pentium? Yes, as
> stated in the help for CONFIG_M386, you could compile
> somthing for a 486 as Pentium if you want a smaller kernel,
> and some 486's (the 486dlc, but probably other non-Intel
> ones) don't have a copro. Anyway, does there exist a
> possible configuration where you'd want to enable

Rather leave in nonsensical options than kill option that gives
sense. PLEASE.

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