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SubjectRe: Strange Problem with a File on Redhat 5.0
   Date: 	Wed, 9 Dec 1998 11:36:06 +0200 (SAST)
From: Tony Wade <>

I have a strange problem with a file that i cannot move, remove ,
rename, kill or demolish.

On opening one of the files, he got an error and he then tried to forward
that message to himself and broke the server. He rebooted it and "great
joy" the machine was totally *skrewed*. I have attemted various things,
like mounting the Hard Drive on another syste running Redhat 5.2 and using
the Redhat 5.0 Boot disks. I need to have the server running and because i
do not know who set it up i cannot rebuild the server on another machine.

How did he reboot he machine? Did he just hit the "big red button"
without cleanly shutting down the machine first? It sounds like he did,
and as a result garbage got written into part of the inode table as part
of the "last gasp" of the disk drive as power was removed.

(Alternatively, depending on how the server "broke", it might have
written the garbage to the server, but it's unlikely that simply
forwarding messages around would cause this kind of problem. Since you
didn't describe any thing about the error and how the server "broke", I
can't really tell what might have happened.)

It's like as a result that a lot more got damaged than just the strange
file which you can't remove; it's likely that you lost at least a couple
more files than just /tmp. However, you can fix the problem with the
broken /tmp file by running a newer version of e2fsck, which you can get
as part of the e2fsprogs package. The latest released version is 2.12,
and you can download a copy from:

Good luck! I hope this helps!!

- Ted

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