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SubjectRe: redhat 5.2 kernel
Samie Hashemi enscribed thusly:

> again some PLEASE!

> i have redhat 5.0 kernel but i complied the 5.2 version and now when i try
> to boot my computer the old modules doesn't not recognize the new version
> and i get a 'kernel panic' so i some how i got into the shell through a
> rescue disk, now that i am in the rescue mode in the shell i can't seem
> to mount. i know my root filesystem is and scsi driver but when trying to
> mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -t ext2 i get error like this:

> 'kernel does not recognize /dev/sda1 as a block device '

> i just want to mount root filesystem and put the old kernel back on.

Hmmm... Not sure if you can still do this with 5.2 or not but
you might try booting your rescue (or install) disk and then boot the
kernel with "linux root=/dev/sda1" command. That will boot the kernel
from the floppy but use /dev/sda1 as your root file system. As long
as your problems are not in a loaded module, you should be back in
business and can rebuild that kernel image. I haven't had to do this
since 4.x days, so I can't say I've actually done this with 5.2.

> someone please....
> samie
> -
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