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SubjectRe: Help....
Adam D. Bradley enscribed thusly:
> On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, David Sedelnick wrote:

> > I am not sure why but now I get billions of messages with your address
> > on them ( I must be on some mailing
> > list of something like that..
> > Please Take Me Off!
> > Thanks,
> > David Sedelnick

> You may or may not have noticed that every message on this list has the
> following message attached at the bottom:

> > -
> > To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
> > the body of a message to
> > Please read the FAQ at

> A more important question is "How did you get subscribed?" ... several
> people seem to have gotten subscribed against their wills in the last few
> days...

AFAIK these lists do not require subscription acknowledgement. The
lists which I managed at all went to an acknowledgement subscription
policy after we where hit numerous times by individuals attempting to
subscribe "Newt Gingrich" to our high volume lists. Without acknowledgement,
it's a snap for practical jokers to subscribe people they want to annoy
to many high volume lists. They can then watch the fun while to poor
victims try and figure their way off the lists. When this happens to
several people all at once, I recommend that they compare notes and
try and identify who they have in common that would be a likely suspect.

Even though subscription acknowledgement is an administrative
pain due to the lusers who can't figure out how to respond to the
subscription ack request (they probably also have problems trying to
tie their shoes in the morning with injuring themselves) the benefits
of avoiding these "jokes" far outweigh the inconvenience...

> Adam
> --
> Your lives aren't small, but \\ Adam Davenport Bradley, Grad Student
> you're living them in a small \\ Boston University Computer Science
> way. Live openly and expansively! \\ 353-8921/MCS211
> II Cor 6:11-13 (The Message) <>< \\

Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 |
(The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to
Please read the FAQ at

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