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SubjectRe: Compile error under 2.1.46
Harald Koenig wrote:
> On Jul 23, Erik Andersen wrote:
> > While this is true, the real answer is that libc5 should include its
> > own kernel headers that are seperate from the kernel. User space
> > applications should never use kernel headers anyway. If they absolutly
> > _must_ include a kernel header, they should have their own copy
> > instead of relying on the kernel header. (Debian already does this BTW)
> having own copies of kernel header files is a very *bad* idea IMHO.

I agree.

> either I have to add tons of #if this_kernel_vesion etc. or I have to
> change [many?] application sources if the kernel header files change
> (e.g. one more entry in a structure...)

They are not talking about application sources, but the libc stuff.
They want to allow people to compile stuff without installing the

I think that using the kernel includes for applications is a good
thing. This way, you are guaranteed consistency between applications
and the kernel. Yes, the kernel developers know that changing a header
file that applications use too, would require the applications to be
recompiled. So these changes are not applied to lightly.

If you have a separate include file, that would also have to be made
in-sync with the kernel to be able to compile the application. More
work. And harder to find!


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