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SubjectRe: tcpdump & bad tcp checksum

Jes Degn Soerensen <> writes:
>Eric> tcpdump only grabs the first few bytes of a packet (by default).
>Ehhhmmm, tcpdump for Linux tend to grab the full packet rather than
>just the header, just checked libpcap-0.4a1 and its still like
>that. Yup this is bad, especially for `large' MTU networks such as
>FDDI, and I guess we should do something about this at some point.

That's rather stupid. There is no need to read the full packet in,
even off a SOCK_PACKET socket. This will really bite us once we
get HIPPI support in (64k MTU anyone?). Can someone with a few
spare hours see about getting this fixed and rolled into the
mainline sources? I'd add it to my list, but I'm snowed under
already, and I'm getting ready to move back to Canada at the
moment, so my spare time is severly limited right now.

Eric Schenk www:
Dept. of Comp. Sci., Lund University email:
Box 118, S-221 00 LUND, Sweden fax: +46-46 13 10 21 ph: +46-46 222 96 38

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