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    SubjectRe: Lets fix it! Re: kernel documentation is bad
    From said:
    > Documenting single functions is hardly a worthwhile activity. But
    > `global' documentation is useful.

    I disagree. Global documentation is certainly needed to convey the concepts
    and structure of the environment, but many people, including myself, find
    that specific, detailed documentation for the parts is very handy, maybe
    even more important.

    I believe that someone *should* take on the task of proper kernel
    documentation in the scale you describe, but I also believe that someone
    should also take on man-page style documentation to detail all the various
    functions. The two are complementary.

    Anyhow, I volunteer to take submissions and try to collect a package of
    man pages. People interested in writing a page or more should drop me a note
    and away we go. When I get a certain minimum set, I'll start keeping
    snapshots on some ftp space I have access to.

    Steve Williams

    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep,
    And lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep."

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