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SubjectSwapping (Was: Werner's latest patch and my News server)
> I just installed 2.0.31-pre2 plus Werner's July-21 version of his patches
> on our News server.
> The result is rather ugly:
> total used free shared buffers cached
> Mem: 95804 94052 1752 46416 4456 18180
> -/+ buffers: 71416 24388
> Swap: 104416 21400 83016
> As you can see, the number of buffers is much too low. The system isn't
> caching enough directody blocks and averages about two Netnews articles per
> second. Not nearly enough, I'm afraid. :-(

Hmmm ... the current code (2.0/2.1) has some design problems. On one hand you
can use your own try_to_free_page() with the your state fix ... and you run
in deep trouble on a higher load than 1 due to exponential growing swap I/O.
Any system running this becomes unusable if the load goes higher than 1 with
a memory consuming job.

On the other hand direct swapping for buffer/cache is complicated. If one does
this (e.g applying David's Millers buffer/swapping patch _without_ the state
fix) there _must_ be a limit in try_to_free_page() for stopping the
intensity/deep of freeing a page (e.g setting `stop' to 2 for priority ==
GFP_BUFFER or something similar). The reason is very simple: process/shared
pages should have a small precedence over buffer/cache pages or in some
cases the swap I/O grows over any (software) limit.

Note: If one combines your state fix in try_to_free_page() with the
buffer/swapping of David any system becomes unusable by simply running
and using the system. This is the conclusion out of the early patch attempts
I've done.

kswapd: What I'm missing is a fair and global usage score system or something
similar for _virtual_ pages or cluster of virtual pages. The current age on
demand system only ages physical pages which are reached until
try_to_free_page() frees a page. This is really a fast solution for a mostly
idle system ... but unfair, slow, and risky on high stress. With a usage
score system, or in other words, a system which counts page usages between
one or more kswapd wakeup's and a try_to_free_page which directly swaps out
the pages with the lowest usage count in comparison, the swap I/O would be
minimised to the necessary amount. The importance sequence of cache/buffer,
(dentry,) shared, and process pages is clearly useful too.

> What to do? I'm playing around with various tuning parameters in
> /proc/sys/vm/*, but no luck so far. Any help appreciated.
> NB: Of the RAM in this machine, admittedly, half (RSS output of ps) is
> taken up by squid and half of the rest is taken by INN. On a whim, I
> SIGSTOPped the cache server. Five minutes later, squid still had a constant
> RSS of 42 MBytes and the first annoyed users were calling in, so I had to
> continue it. :-/ vmstat, too, shows almost no swap activity.

... it's trivial but if two processes have more than the half physical
memory over the most time and the system performance needs ram ...
it's a `Binsenweisheit'.


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