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SubjectRe: I2O (hasn't this been beat to death yet?)

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, Patrick St. Jean wrote:

> So ignore them. This has been beaten to death. There is NOTHING illegal
> about CLEAN ROOM reverse engineering. Say I sit down and document the API
> (and keep it up to date w/ new "changes"), and say someone else takes that
> API and implements stuff that works with it, there is NOTHING illegal
> about it as long as I don't touch the app development and they don't
> touch my fliggerin out what makes it tick. It's been done before. Anyone
> using Award, AMI, etc. BIOS? Where do you think that came from? Please
> people! quit whining about it, the sky is NOT falling. Let them play
> their silly little games, it's just because they're scared. There's
> ALWAYS a LEGAL way around them.
> Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew!
> Pat

Buzzzz.. Wrong. Depending on the NDA you sign you can sign away your
soul. If you are able to access I2O stuff without signing a NDA and you
are able to document the API thats one thing.. The clone bios wasn't made
by taking a NDA'ed copy of the source and copying it. If the NDA says
'Speak no I2O' then telling your friend joe about it over a cup of jo then
you could land your butt in jail.

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