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SubjectRe: Take A deep Breath - Kernel Documentation

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, Darin Johnson wrote:
> because there are no comments and the docs are inadequate. If this
> were commercial code, I think the developers would be chewed out by
> their bosses on a weekly basis.

But you are forgetting something: Most bosses are dorkwad ignorant
assholes whose only job is to make a programmer miserable and spoil their
efforts to get *real* work done.

So would the boss chew out the programmer? Yeah, but thats their job.
They'd do it no matter if the code was commented well or not. Bosses only
demand comments because they are ignorant and unskilled and frankly, feel
inadequate because of the lack of understanding and power they have over
what their "employees" do. So they feel they have to "hold them back"
just so they can get some petty sense of control and understanding... At
the cost of hindering and mutilating the work, and taking all the joy out
of it.

Basically, the kernel is just fine, and the programming methodology is
*effective*. Either demontrate some large gains in productivity from such
commenting... Or drop the topic ;)

Don Dibos

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