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SubjectRe: buffer/swapping in pre-patch-2.0.31-2 + the 17th July patch
>>>>> ">" == Richard Waltham <> writes:

>> Jul 19 16:07:15 arak kernel: try_to_free_page: free pages 1008kB, async pages 0kB
>> Jul 19 16:08:56 arak kernel: try_to_free_page: free pages 1020kB, async pages 12kB
>> Jul 19 16:12:04 arak kernel: try_to_free_page: free pages 1012kB, async pages 4kB

I get similar messages with 17th July patch (sorry, didn't try 18th July yet)
when I run my ugly little "multi user memory tester" on a 486'er with 32MB
RAM and 32MB swap.

But I have to metion, that this is the greatest 2.0.x kernel I have seen;
congratulations to David, Werner and the other people on the list!!!
Up to 2.0.30 my test program cannot run to end because it was killed from
the kernel; but that's not all: the kernel sometimes also killed other
(root owned ;-) programs like rpc.portmap, klogd...

The program tries to get as much memory as possible (1MB chunks), write some
magic to every byte (really int), then start from the beginning and verify
the magic ints. Finally go through the whole chunks verify again and free it.
Up to 2.0.30 the program was killed with "Out of memory" in the second stage
(verify memory).

This doesn't happen with pre-2.0.31-2 + 17th July patch. I can start two
instances of this program within X + emacs + some xterm's *and* can read
the patches in emacs :-)

Great work!


BTW, I will try pre-2.0.31-2 + 18th July patch on our main server (2 x PPro,
soon 256MB) which runs with plain-2.0.30 now ;-)

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Bernhard Heidegger
Hyperwave Software Research & Development
Schloegelgasse 9/1, A-8010 Graz
Voice: ++43/316/820918-25 Fax: ++43/316/820918-99

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