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SubjectHow should I take the "Intel inside" out?
Hi kernelistics! ;-)

(sorry, if this is OFFTOPIC but on the other
hand it is kernel related...anyway, if YOU
decide, it is too much beyond, please answer
me directly...thanks!)

I want to upgrade my Linux box from a P90
on a Intel Plato Board to a K6 on
-- WHAT??? -- board.

I want to use LINUX nearly exclusively.

The box runs only SCSI devices which are
connected to a ncr53c815-adaptor. The
second thing to mention is a Gravis
Ultra Soundcard (PnP) which needs two
DMA channels (not hardwired).
I have 32Mbyte "ordinary" PS/2-SIMM RAM.
And I don't think, that I will upgrade
this to more RAM in the near future.

Now the problem:
I want to run the box as fast as possible ;-)

At the moment I know three boards:
The ASUS P55T2P4, the CHAINTECH M5861FM-1
and the GIGABYTE GA-586-HX rev 2.0

My kernel relevant (or isn't it?) question is:
UNIX and therefore LINUX are multitasking
operation systems. For me it means:
From the sight of the processor, the
code to be excuted is switched many
times, so that the contents of the
L1/L2 and processor pipes are becoming
invalid very often and are therefore
the caches are"""needless""".
^^^ ^^^---<<<watch this!

What is worth more:
To have a board, which has 512KByte
2nd-level cache but "only" 835MByte/s
throughput to the L1-cache _OR_ using
a board, which has 876MByte/s throughput
(L1-Cache) but only 256KByte L2-cache.

(The tests and benchmarks I know are based on
tests with that nasty Windoze-stuff, so
only the physical measurable values
as those above are relevant to linux,
I think...)

I have no idea, what the relation is
between the timings of the context switches
and the scheduling cycles and the times
in which L1/L2-caches are used.

Has someone any experiences with boards
for the AMD K6???

Thank you in advance for any help!


LINUX rules!

E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <>
Date: 21-Jul-97
Time: 17:25:21

This message was sent by XFMail

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