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SubjectRe: I2O specs available! (was: GGI People Read This (fwd))
>>> Would I be right in saying that now the spec is available to PD that it
>>> is - PD ?
>>The document is still copyrighted, but the information in it once published
>>to the world (eg by anon ftp) is in must jurisdictions no longer a trade

>A bit tricky I think, the ftp site requests for a supplied password:

>220- I2O Sig Temporary Download Directory
>220- Log in as "i2o" with a password supplied by Michael Lobue.
>220- You are currently user 10 out of a maximum 10 users.

>A claim that the anonymous ftp is a configuration error could be valid I
>think. If so the stuff still is a trade secret.
>It is however an example of a document that should be free. I think it
>should be distributed together with a sample implementation, eg. Linux.

I first downloaded it using the command "ncftp" which produced no output. So when I
received the file I had received no notification that the file may be a
trade secret. Then I made it available publically for anonymous FTP.
People from several countries downloaded it from my server. I gave them no
notification of trade-secret status because I received none when I got it.
Now I have been made aware that the document may have been considered a
trade secret (although I still don't know that conclusively) it's too late
for me to do anything about it as I've already passed it on to lots of
people with no way of contacting them all (who uses accurate Email
addresses for anon-ftp anyway?).
I guess that everyone who reads the document will just have to use
whatever legal statements are included to determine it's status (I haven't
even read it yet so I am not sure what they are).

In return for "mailbag contention" errors from buggy Exchange
servers I'll set my mail server to refuse mail from your domain.
The same response applies when a message to a postmaster
account bounces.
"Russell Coker - mailing lists account" <>

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