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SubjectRe: pre-patch-2.0.31-2 + werners buffer patch
According to Dr. Werner Fink:
> > We've tried running pre-patch-2.0.31-2 + werners buffer patch (11 July) on our
> > news machine. It crashes every night at expire time.. when we're not there
> > to have a look.
> Do you have more infomation on the affected system?

Last night it crashed again, and rebooted through the watchdog. I installed
a script that ran every minute and did a "ps". Here's what was running
just before the machine died:

# uptime
3:01am up 9:14h, 0 users, load average: 3.67, 3.28, 3.01
# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 63360 62844 516 8440 520 2956
-/+ buffers: 59368 3992
Swap: 98524 79016 19508
# ps auxww
news 21924 5.4 82.5 145M8 52276 ? D 02:10 2:44 expireover -z /var/l

As you can see, the "expireover" prcess grows very big. The machine
rebooted at 03:13, and I have no report between 3:01 and 3:13. I assume
the machine was trashing and/or cron died. There are no messages in
the syslog file, as I had the last time (with Werner's 7 Jul patch).
I can only assume that watchdog rebooted the machine because it
couldn't fork() or the load was above 35 (treshold I set it at).

It's a shame that this is the only machine I can reliably reproduce it on,
since it's a production machine our customers rely on.

I guess "out of memory" is impossible to fix, let's not start a new
thread about that :)

I also got a message from Bill Hawes, with his "Flexible refill_freelist 2.0.30
patch". I will just once more compile a kernel with that additional patch,
and then we'll see what happens tonight at three o'clock.

I'll keep you posted.

| Miquel van Smoorenburg | "I need more space" "Well, why not move to Texas" |
| | "No, on my account, stupid." "Stupid? Uh-oh.." |
| PGP fingerprint: FE 66 52 4F CD 59 A5 36 7F 39 8B 20 F1 D6 74 02 |

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