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    SubjectRe: 2.0.31 : please!
    In article <>, (Tim Hollebeek) writes:
    > [strong opinion alert; please skip of you don't care]
    > Daniel G. Link writes ...
    >> What good is free software if you aren't supposed to criticise it
    >> because it's free?
    > But it's *free* damnit! You're getting something of fairly
    > high quality for *nothing*. You have two choices:
    [1st choice snipped]
    > (2) be part of the solution, not the problem.
    [3rd choice snipped]
    [other stuff snipped]

    I see you learned to count with the help of a Pentium ;-)

    Seriously, criticism can be part of the solution; it's only by
    suggesting improvements that _I_ can help the kernel development.

    If you want to look at it that way, reporting an opps is criticism,
    too. (Hey! This damn thing has a bug! Look at this opps!)

    The important thing, of course, it to criticize constructively
    and with respect:
    `Er, I may be talking rubbish here, but wouldn't it be a good idea
    if x,instead of y. I couldn't code my way out of a paper bag,
    so I can't do it myself...'
    `Of course, even someone with a poor IQ for a glass of water would
    know that x,is far superior to z! Why don't the kernel developers
    get off their lazy ass and do it right!'

    The other thing that I didn't like about the original post was
    the fact that it was critical about the time taken to get bugs
    fixed. The fact is that the people who develop Linux (mostly) do
    it in their spare time, and if someone wants to go out and party
    for a couple of weeks, rather than code (cf Linus v2 ;) then
    that's fine by me. Take as long as you want, guys. Even if it
    takes you 20 years to get v2.0.31 out, it'll be 50 years faster
    than me :)

    Mike Bristow -

    * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to
    * terminate things with extreme prejudice.
    die_if_kernel("Oops", regs, error_code);
    (From linux/arch/i386/mm/fault.c)

     \ /
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