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    SubjectRe: Take a deep breath...
    On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Steven N. Hirsch wrote:
    > On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, David S. Miller wrote:
    > > Does anyone have any clue what makes any of us hack on this thing at
    > > all? It's pretty simple, whats fun, interesting, and enjoyable to
    > > work on, that is what we're going to hack on. Straight forward. I
    > > happened to enjoy making a system solid, but not nearly as much as I
    > > enjoy designing and implementing the latest and greatest.


    > I'm a professional developer in my "real" life, and quite comfortable with
    > complex systems and concepts. However, kernel-level hacking brings me to


    > I almost guarantee that 10% more effort put into documentation and
    > commenting would reap great rewards in terms of contributed input from the
    > community at large. Then, you CAN go off and design and implement the
    > "latest and greatest" - AFTER having paved the way for others to maintain
    > and fine-tune the previous "latest and greatest".

    IMHO, it takes more effort to document the code than to write it. That's my
    experience with kernel hacking (and I touched a lot of the Linux/m68k kernel
    code). So your 10% rule is not correct (and as a professional developer,
    shouldn't you know that documentation is the hardest part? :-)

    And the `real' kernel hackers have so much to do, and so many new ideas, that
    they'd rather do what they like most: i.e. turning ideas into new code...



    Geert Uytterhoeven
    Wavelets, Linux/m68k on Amiga
    Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

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