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Subject[OFF TOPIC] Re: 2.0.31 : please!
[I made lots of common sense and obvious statements below; if we all agree,
why not stop this thread and spend our time in better ways?]

Andrew E. Mileski writes:
> > It's the whole point of this thread. If you don't "pay" for the software, are
> > you allowed to express your ideas about it?
> Yes you are allowed, but realize the ramifications, and be polite.

Yes, always be polite when you communicate with other people. But you
have to live with the fact that not everyone does that, especially in
email. People tend to forget that there's a person at the other side (even
otherwise polite people).

> There is a difference between making suggestions/comments/bug reports,
> and insulting/threatening/whining.

Those who insult or threaten Linux developers are being irrational, and
deserve to be ignored. The Linux community at large respects the developers
(how could it be otherwise?). They donate their free time and good will and in
turn get back prestige and influence.

As for 'whining', I have seen people that politely _asked_ about 2.0.31 being
unpolitely labeled as 'whiners'. Perhaps they missed David's post from last
week, it happens.

About 2.0.30, it seems natural that it get to be replaced by 2.0.31 (there are
important patches for it and 2.2 is far away) when the developers have the
time/will/key information to do it.

> If you don't know the difference, then you may be part of the problem.

We all have to deal with the "problem", that's life :-)

No flames please. And like our guru says, let's be nice to each other (at
least here in linux-kernel).



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