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SubjectRe: 2.0.31 : please!
Date wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jul 1997 02:38:08 -0400 (EDT), Jon Lewis wrote:
> >Just because the most recent kernel available isn't the most stable is not
> >reason to give up hope.
> After a reboot from my initial install (had to lilo an *SMP* kernel)
> I was up 11 days without a glitch before I brought the system down to
> repartition the drive. (This was finishing all the installs, upgrading
> Debian a version via FTP, eveything!) The next day I had some weirness
> because of my screwing some things up after the partitioning. After I fixed
> that I've been up ever since (4 days) running a god awful amount of stuff
> and starting stopping X for admin. I am running some 'scary' hardware:
> DPT scsi, dual pentiums, unmatched simms on a Tyan board, 3com 900XL.
> 2.0.30 is hardly falling apart.
I agree. I am actually running it currently on my router/masq/mail/dns server
at work. Did a recent upgrade to it from an old Slackware release to a
Redhat 4.2 and had only one glitch.

I have a pair of 3c590's int he machine and they would stop sending and
receiving after a few hours. downing and then reuping the interfaces got
them seeing things again, but it was still a recurring problem. So I swaped
in the 3com driver from 2.0.29 and it has worked great since.

Which I have misplaced the location of the pre-patches, I would love to
try them out. If someone could drop me mail with the location, I would
appreciate it.

> Just look at it this way...not matter how bad Linux can get, it's still
> better the a 'stable' version of NT.

yup... during the upgrade I mentioned the NT admin in house couldn't believe
how smootlhy it went (3 hrs downtime from start of backup through format and
re-install and reconfig). When the NT machines get touched they are generally
down for sometimes days.

Again I at least am very appreciative of the work that has been done on linux.
And with me only having to deal with work instead of work+school I plan on
getting active in the process.

Thanks again to everyone who has done work on this OS that has let me keep
my belief that there are good programmers out there (after dealing with
Windoze all day, I wonder).


P.S. if people need a spot to mirror linux related stuff, drop me e-mail
I am setting up a public FTP server and can probably allocate about 4GB to
linux stuff -- redhat 4.2 goind up shortly. (Convinced the boss to let us
get our T1 utilization over 1%)

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