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SubjectRe: Page cache and swapping
Hi Jim,

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, Jim Nance wrote:
> But it does fit in memory, at least if you are talking about the program
> I posted. I _think_ the problem is update (or whatever update calls) locks
> all the pages when tries to synchronzie the disk and memory images. If
> this is what it going on it would be nice if the kernel would not try to
> flush diry file pages if they had been accessed in the last second or so.
> I would love to have someone look at this and confirm/deny my hypothesis
> though.

No, update (kflushd) does not "lock all the pages".
It is the "buffer flush" task. It scans the dirty-buffer list and kicks a
write to their block-device (ll_rw_block()).

Dirty named pages (file pages) are written to disk when they are
unmapped(), msync()ed, or reaped via swap_out().
swap_out() uses the "age" of a page to determine what to reap, so the
dirty-pages you refer to are not always being written to disk.

As I believe has already been mentioned in this thread, page-writes use a
slightly different buffer scheme to page-reads. Most page-reads go via
brw_page(), which uses "async" buffer-heads. These heads do not appear on
the normal buffer lists.

Page-writes go via file-system specific function (there is a
generic_file_write(), but I believe it is only used by NFS at the moment,
and requires a bit more work). The fs code normally calls ll_rw_block().

ll_rw_block() queues the buffers up for a device by making a "request" for
it and adding the request to per-device queue. It also locks the

ll_rw_block() returns when it has added a request, not when the buffer(s)
have been read/written. When a device has finished processing a request,
it marks the request's buffer(s) has upto date (mark_buffer_uptodate()),
and unlocks the buffer (unlock_buffer()).

Unlocking the buffer wakes up any task blocking on that buffer

Sorry to be long winded, but you see everything happens nicely in the
background. Only buffers which are queued for a read/write for a device
are locked, not "all the pages".

However, when writing a dirty-named page back to its file, the inode of
the file is 'locked' via its semaphore (inode->i_sem). This can cause
problems, and hit performance, but I guess someone is working on this.

Writing anonymous pages to a swap-device/swap-file is different, but uses
the some of the same functions. Have a look in mm/page_io.c.

Hope this is some help (and apologies to those who know there is a lot
missing from the above).

NOTE: When writing a dirty named page to file, the page itself is _not_
locked. Infact the kernel cannot lock all references to the page without
performing a large search. I haven't checked it all through, but there
maybe a small window for problems here.



Mark Hemment UNIX/C Software Engineer (contractor)
"Success has many fathers. Failure is a b**tard"

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