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SubjectRe: Out of memory kernel death -- solution ?
Ian Main writes ...
> > Good point. A really easy thing to do would be to toss a message up to
> > kerneld (or another daemon listening on the IPC channel) which could then
> > take whatever action the admin likes. If one were to attack this problem,
> > that would be the more aesthetically proper route.
> Yes, and you could use whatever algorythm you like to get the job done --
> wouldn't be hard to make it really flexable.. like a list of processess
> that should never be killed, a list that should be killed first, and an
> algorythm for selecting processes not mentioned in the list. I don't know
> why all these people are debating it on the kernel list. If you need such
> a thing.. go code it (and make it configurable while your at it.) :)

I *am* intending on writing a patch as soon as I get time, but I'd rather
do it correctly, and in a way that it would be useful to a number of other
people. Since I'm rather new at kernel hacking, I'm interested in hearing
what other people think before diving in; for example the idea above sounds
interesting and was one I had not thought of. Coding first and thinking
later is not my idea of a good habit to get into :-)

Tim Hollebeek | Disclaimer :=> Everything above is a true statement,
Electron Psychologist | for sufficiently false values of true.
Princeton University | email:
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