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SubjectRe: Cook 2.1.40 (mine ends with Oops.)

On Tue, 27 May 1997, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Here is recipe to do something pretty bad to your 2.1.40. On my side,
> it died in schedule() at the end [but this might be due to
> modifications in my kernel & I was too lazy to copy that one screen
> full of info - call list was pretty big], but even before that machine
> does unnice thing.
> Ingrediens:
> Take one linux system, one slow but big device, and one ext2
> filesystem [probably not critical].

I'm really not sure if its the same circumstances, but I had a similiar
problem with 2.0.29 a while back, using EIDE disks, and 4x scsi 6-disc
CDROM, on a 2940, and 32 megs RAM. I had a hardware problem somewhere in
the system, which I boiled down to the motherboard. I replaced the
motherboard, but to be sure that was the problem, I wanted to test it.

I wrote a script along the lines of 'while [ 1 ] ; cp -rv /mnt/cdrom0
/mnt/harddisk & cp -rv /mnt/cdrom0 /mnt/harddisk & sleep 200; done'

I let this run for more than 20 minutes, and eventually the disk/cdrom
activity exceeded the sleep time, and it started to wrap around, coping
files on top of itself. One loop hadn't finished before the next one

I eventually got all types of cp and kernel messages, until the system
just locked up. I never did get it to run for more than 40 minutes before
it gave up and hosed the machine.

I really think this is similiar to the problem you experienced. I can try
and reproduce this if you think it would help.

> BTW please try to repeat this, somebody [and report me
> success]. My kernel has some custom patches and I do not believe
> it. If you get oops in schedule() on virgin kernel, it will be pretty
> important.

I really don't have time to configure a 2.1 capable machine, but I have
redhat 4.2 on a few boxes that I could use..


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