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SubjectRe: Solaris sources
On Thu, 1 May 1997, Troy Morrison wrote:

> I can't confirm this, but I remember reading or being told quite a while
> ago that Citrix had purchased an NT-source license. It was the basis
> for their product, which basically hacked at the NT kernel and made it
> multi-user over the network (as an application server). When you bought
> the Citrix product, as I recall, you got a "new" NT kernel that would
> let you connect up over the network and actually "log in" to NT from
> several desktops.

From Byte, April 1997, pages 72-73:

"... However, there's a multiuser version of NT available from a third
party: Citrix Systems. Citrix is a relatively small company that enjoys an
unusual relationship with Microsoft. Microsoft owns a piece of Citrix and
sits on Citrix's board of directors. More important, Microsoft has granted
Citrix a source-code license and a distribution license for Windows NT
Server. Nobody else has such a license. It allows Citrix to modify NT,
resell it to customers, and sublicense it to other companies.
Citrix has used this license to create a multiuser version of NT Server
known as WinFrame, which Citrix's sublicensees modify. So, while Microsoft
denounces NCs [Network Computers] in public, it supports even thinner
clients than those championed by Oracle and Sun."

Now, we may think to allow Bill Gates to sit on Linux's board of
directors... :-)


* ...Ma appena fuori tutto e' gomma,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - tutto e' cicca impiastricciata...
* (Marco Zappa-Niente cicca nella scuola)

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