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SubjectRe: 2.1.38 well hung
Michael Harnois <> writes:

> I was cruising along in 2.1.38 when the following message appeared on
> the console:
> kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:ffe447c5

I'm seeing this messages too (on 2.1.38), and even they don't lock up
my kernel, I would like to know what do they mean?

debug.0:May 15 22:32:59 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:ffffffe9
debug.0:May 15 22:54:22 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff8
debug.0:May 16 00:30:29 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffffb
debug.0:May 16 00:31:07 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff9
debug.0:May 16 00:31:17 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffffe
debug.0:May 16 00:31:23 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:ffffffea
debug.0:May 16 00:31:51 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:ffffffeb
debug.0:May 16 04:46:53 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffffd
debug.0:May 16 06:50:42 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:0
debug.0:May 16 20:28:36 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff6
debug.0:May 16 22:47:31 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffffe
debug.0:May 16 23:24:33 atlas kernel: xmit_timer <= 0 - timer:2 when:fffffff5

I like 2.1.38 much more than 2.0.30, and I'm now sticking with
development kernels. It's bigger fun. :)

Thanks for every info you can provide.

Posted by Zlatko Calusic E-mail: <>
What has four legs and an arm? A happy pitbull.

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