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SubjectRe: SCSI Drives & Controllers
On Sun, 11 May 1997, Ben Large wrote:

-> Is it always necessary to set extended BIOS translation for DOS drives
-> off when using Linux on a SCSI drive greater than 1 gig? I didn't and
-> Linux recognizes the space just fine, although I'm seeing some strange
-> things. I didn't know if they were being caused by that or were a
-> problem in the SCSI controller itself.

Nope, works fine if on

-> I'm using a AHA2940AU controller with aic7xxx driver. The drive activity
-> lights stay on and sometimes on a warm boot, the controller won't
-> recognize the drive. There is a 50MB DOS partition on the 2 gig drive.

I have a similar problem with a 2940AU, after a warm boot the video won't come
back on. The machine initializes the SCSI bios (or appears to judging from the
drive light), but won't boot into an OS. The reset button then correctly
starts the machine. Replacing the 2940 with a 1540 fixes the problem (or
rather, replacing the 1540 with the 2940AU introduced it). The problem is
very incidental and not limited to Linux.

-> Should I turn off the extended BIOS translation and re-Linux the drive,
-> or should I be alright with these symptoms?

Don't think this will help.

Hugo Van den Berg -
Phone - +31 (0)30 - 60 25 400
Fax - +31 (0)30 - 60 50 799

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