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SubjectRe: POSIX feature or bug?
Albert Cahalan <> writes:

> The rmdir should be successful just as removing /sbin/init would be.
> The directory should actually dissappear when you change out of it.
> The problem I guess is that directories are nested and you could get
> many pending rmdir actions. Then there is the problem of adding files
> to a directory with a pending rmdir. You could let a rmdir of a directory
> happen even with files present, in which case the directory exists
> until all files are deleted and no process is in the directory. Then
> you get the odd result:

No you couldn't. From POSIX.2:

If any of the following conditions occur, the rmdir() function
shall return -1 and set _errno_ to the corresponding value:
The _path_ argument names a directory that is not an empty
directory. (

The spec is ambiguous on the original issue, BTW:
If the named directory is the root directory or the current
working directory of any process, it is unspecified whether
the function succeeds or whether it fails and sets _errno_ to
[EBUSY]. (

Aaron M. Ucko ( | Geek Code 3.12 [for explanation, please see]: GCS/M/S/C d- s+: a18
C++(+++)>++++ UL++>++++S+I+ P++(+++) L+++(++++)>+++++ E+ W+ N++(+) o+ K-
w--- O M-@ V-(--) PS++(+++) PE- Y+ PGP(+) t(+) !5 X-- R(-) tv-@ b++(+++) DI+
D-- G++(+++) e>+++++(*) h!>+ r-(--)>+++ y? | "That's right," he said. "We're
philosophers. We think, therefore we am." -- Terry Pratchett, _Small Gods_

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