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SubjectRe: 2.0.9, 2.0.10 and CMD640 EIDE... (Warning: Soapbox alert)
Jonathan A. Davis wrote:
> I'd like to take this opportunity to register some *extreme* annoyance on
> the IDE patches that took place under 2.0.9 (and propogated into 2.0.10).

Ha. I doubt that you are half as annoyed as I am,
that the patches which fixed so many many machines
managed to break a few others. I have tons of email
from folks who say "Great! It finally works in 2.0.10",
as well as a good number which claim the opposite.

Just a function of how screwy this chip is.

Presumably you are helping out, and trying the pre-release CMD640
patches that have subsequently been posted to this mailing list, right?

Please email me with your results, so we can ensure that the next
update works for (almost) everyone.

Work is actually going rather well on this finally.
Only two systems have reported any trouble at all with
the latest pre-release patch, and a fresh update is about
to go out to address those remaining problems.

Linus will get it for kernel inclusion sometime next week.

Hold tight, AND HELP US! I do not have a cmd640 to test on,
so everything I do is reliant on you folks for verification.
I only just took over 100% of the CMD640 driver support two weeks
ago, and things are improving rapidly.

the Linux IDE guy

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