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    SubjectRe: This is really Ridiculous
    Brian Grunkemeyer writes:
    > If you read my message, you'll note I said I wanted to make sure it was
    > compilable with different configurations. What I'm talking about only entails
    > compiling the kernel multiple times with different files. Where did
    > you get the impression I wanted Linus himself to test the drivers thoroughly
    > himself? I only was suggesting he should find some automated way to compile
    > the kernel with multiple configurations and look for typo-type bugs.
    The general idea is not so bad. Why don't you write a script that
    implements this and does the multiple compiles. Then, you can check this
    on your own system with new versions and report the bugs you find to
    Linus and the list?
    I think managing the patches, coordinating the releases, planning the
    future development, etc., are more than enough for Linus to do.


    | Sheldon E. Newhouse | e-mail: |
    | Mathematics Department | |
    | Michigan State University | telephone: 517-355-9684 |
    | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA | FAX: 517-432-1562 |

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