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SubjectSound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
Cristian Gafton writes:
> Hello,
> I have one problem with the new sound driver and RealAudio. With 2.0.0
> everything works okay, but with later kernels (including 2.0.10) I keep
> getting this message after 14 - 20 seconds of sound output. I have tried
> everything - using the working (with 2.0.0) /etc/soundconf config file,
> not using it and reconfiguring the whole sound system, etc. With 2.0.0 it
> works, with later kernels not.
> Anyone any idea ? Thank you,

How odd. The exact message you quote in the subject line is exactly the
message I get when the sound in DOOM cuts out. It seems that there has
been a small improvement in recent kernels that lets me play DOOM longer
before the sound cuts out, but it still does repeatedly.

You wouldn't happen to be using a Gravis Ultrasound, would you?

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